Year 7 Enrolment

Welcome to Year 7 at St Columba College
The Middle School provides an important bridge between the Junior and Senior years, reinforcing the foundational skills learned in the early years and fostering a growing independence and love of learning.
Your child will undertake a range of compulsory subjects and start to explore electives that can ignite a passion for a particular area of interest. They will prepare for Senior School by uncovering their own pathway and discovering areas such as STEM and specialist lessons tailored to their learning needs.
Our comprehensive wellbeing programs and counselling services cater for their needs, supporting them and helping to shape their thinking.
If you are interested in learning more, please fill out an enquiry form below or call our Enrolment Officer on 8254 0605. Limited positions are available. We encourage families to complete an Application for Enrolment Form at the earliest opportunity.

New Middle School Building
The Advertiser - $21m upgrade planned for St Columba College
Enrolment Process
Application for Enrolment Form
We invite you to submit an ONLINE APPLICATION FORM (Reception - Year 12) along with:
- A copy of your child’s birth certificate and or visa,
- A copy of your child’s most recent school report (not applicable for Reception applicants), and
- A $50 application fee (non-refundable).
If applicable, we encourage you to provide the following documents with the Application for Enrolment Form:
- A copy of your child’s Sacramental certificates (e.g. Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation)
- Documentation relating to special needs (e.g. reports, action plans, assessments)
- Court order(s) or related information regarding to the custody of your child.
Once we receive the completed Application for Enrolment Form, your child will be placed on our waitlist.
Due to the competitive nature of enrolments, we recommend submitting the Application for Enrolment Form at least two years prior to commencement.
Enrolment Meeting
Approximately 18 months before your child is due to commence, we will contact you to arrange an enrolment meeting with a member of our Leadership Team. Your child must be present at this meeting. The meeting will help us to get to know your child and family, and provides you with an opportunity to get to know us better and ask any questions.
Letter of Offer
Following a successful meeting (and an available vacant place), we will then issue a Letter of Offer and other paperwork to be returned to us along with a $100 acceptance fee (non-refundable).
Waiting List
If there are no vacancies available, your child will be placed on our waiting list and will be issued with a Letter of Offer once a place becomes available.
Visit St Columba College
An important part of the enrolment process is to visit the College. See our College Tours page for information on how you can meet the faces and see St Columba College in action.
Contact Us
Please direct all enrolment enquiries and the availability of places to our College Registrar:
Mrs Tamara Lowe
Ph: (08) 8254 0605
College Enrolment Links