This term is moving quickly with many celebrations, incursions and sporting opportunities occuring during the past 5 weeks.
Mrs Julie Hancock | Head of Junior School
This term is moving quickly! With a week of Learning@Home to begin the term, we are grateful for the chance to be teaching face-to-face during these uncertain times. Thank you to our families for the flexible and quick adjustments made to access the Junior School Portal Pages and supporting your child/ren at home. Our staff are to be congratulated for the high-quality teaching and learning provided to ensure ongoing learning at home. In this uncertain time across our country, we remain prepared for change and continue to care for and keep each other safe.
Our celebrations, incursions and sporting opportunities during the past 5 weeks have been rich and varied. Our Receptions celebrated '100 Days of School' on Friday 30 July! We have enjoyed watching them grow, make friends and become independent learners under the nurturing guidance of their skilled Early Years Teachers. Our 'Green & Gold Day' marked the conclusion of the Olympic Games with the Junior School cheering on our Cross-Country competitors during the in-school competition. Congratulations to the winners:
Year 3 Girls: Lueth Deng
Year 3 Boys: Robee Lual & Hudson Edwards
Year 4 Girls: Lily King
Year 4 Boys: Barach Akoy
Year 5 Girls: Awel Malou
Year 5 Boys: Elijah Jones
Year 6 Girls: Puonriel Monykok
Year 6 Boys: James Bannah
The Year 2s experienced a fun, hands on, collaborative incursion exploring toys past and present on Wednesday 28 July. This past week, our 3Delaney class had a Retreat Day, where they were engaged in making prayer jars, Godly Play, Eucharist and other fun and crafty activities.
Our Academic Assembly on Monday 16 August recognised the endeavour and academic excellence achievement of our Year 3-5 students. An assembly held on Friday 20 August will acknowledge the high achievement awards.
Thank you to Mr Tristan Lorensini for coordinating Netball Clinics, Tri Skills and Soccer Clinics for the Junior School students, keeping them fit, healthy and engaged in active learning.
This term we have welcomed Ms Megan Akeroyd to Year 5, Mrs Jade Salier to Year 1 and Miss Tara Molo and Mr Aidan Oliver as Educational Support Officers. Mrs Samantha Desmond commences her Community Engagement Officer role across R-12, too. We wish everyone well and congratulate them on their new roles at the College!
Our thoughts and prayers are with our Afghan community who are deeply affected by events in their homeland. We continue to hold them close to our hearts.
Healthy Eating School
St Columba College Junior School is a Healthy Eating School. This means we promote action and change to our school community. We have fruit and vegetable breaks in class and use water bottles for classrooms (hydration program).
We have exciting plans in 2021 where St Columba College Junior School will operate as a Rubbish Free School. This is a practical, real and positive way to encourage healthy eating, teach waste minimisation and respect for our environment. Students are encouraged to bring food without packaging. There are many types of lunchboxes that support this program.
The waste generated from student lunches will be disposed of in the following ways:
- Food scraps: sent to compost or worm farms
- All other waste: will be put back into the students’ lunchboxes and taken home.
At recess, if food is taken out of its wrapper it will be put straight back into the student’s lunchbox. Snacks like muesli bars and crackers should be sent to school in a container, without wrapping. Students only take their lunchboxes outside with them if needed, and put them back in their bags when they have finished. At lunch, students who have not finished when the bell goes will take their lunchboxes out with them and put them in their bag when finished.
Food purchased at the canteen can only be consumed in the canteen area or designated classroom eating area where there is a bin or lunchbox to put waste in.
Our Commitment: Waste Minimisation and Rubbish Free Food
Like all schools, we can produce large amounts of waste. However, it is our aim to send as little waste as possible to landfill. This will lead to financial savings for the school, considerable benefits for the environment and many opportunities for the students to learn environmentally-sound attitudes and habits. It is also our aim to have the least amount of litter in the school buildings and grounds. This will make our school more attractive and save money and time in collecting carelessly discarded litter. It is also important from a health viewpoint. The school is committed to a whole-school approach to environmental education of which waste minimisation and rubbish free food plays a vital role.
During the last week of school we will be trialling this with all students and classes. We ask you start thinking about what goes into your child’s lunchbox and considering healthy alternatives and wrapper free foods. Thank you.
Mrs Julie Hancock | Head of Junior School
