This term we have been thrilled to have parents and caregivers back on site as well as the recommencement of excursions and assemblies. Coming together as a community has been the highlight of the term so far. It brings with it a sense of normalcy and the ability to celebrate the strengths of our students and provide them with all the opportunities they deserve to shine. Absenteeism of staff and students due to COVID and the flu continues to provide us with challenges, which we do our best to work through each day. There are times when no relief staff are available, and we need to cover classes with a mixture of other staff or spilt classes.
This term we have been thrilled to have parents and caregivers back on site as well as the recommencement of excursions and assemblies. Coming together as a community has been the highlight of the term so far. It brings with it a sense of normalcy and the ability to celebrate the strengths of our students and provide them with all the opportunities they deserve to shine. Absenteeism of staff and students due to COVID and the flu continues to provide us with challenges, which we do our best to work through each day. There are times when no relief staff are available, and we need to cover classes with a mixture of other staff or spilt classes.
We congratulate Mrs Michelle Arthur who is Acting Head of Junior School for the next 5 weeks. We commend Mrs Gina Dunning on her appointment at Xavier College in Term 3 and give our best wishes to Mrs Inge Forbes who will commence maternity leave from the end of term. We look forward to welcoming Ms Sarah Koch and Mrs Samantha Moore to the College in Term 3.
Our children have engaged in a range of learning, wellbeing and community activities so far this term including the Mother's Day Stall, NAPLAN (Years 3 & 5), SACPASSA Sport Carnival, Sporting Schools AFL clinics, House meetings, and an “Animals in our World” incursion for our Receptions. Our Year 5 students are eagerly preparing for their Week 9 camp.
We thank our Community Engagement Officer, Mrs Samantha Desmond, for arranging the ‘Banana Bites’ Program for students needing support to manage their experiences through family separation, divorce and loss. Mrs Desmond would also be happy to hear from you should you like to become a volunteer in the College! Our new volunteer induction process means we can efficiently get you started. Please contact her or your child’s class teacher if you’re able to help in any way.
Our R-6 staff continue to engage in ‘Mathematics Professional Learning’ with Mathematics consultant, Ms Lisa Jane O’Connor. Our current focus is on developing number sense and building fluency of number facts. Ways that you can help at home include encouraging number sense – the ability to separate and put numbers together flexibly – by talking with your child about how you solve math problems. Never share with your children the idea that you were ‘bad at Maths at school’ or you dislike it, especially if you are a mother, as this can create a fixed mindset. Instead, encourage a growth mindset; the idea that ability and smartness change as you work more and learn more.
We thank our families for engaging in 3-Way Learning Conversations over the past few weeks. If you have not met with your child’s teacher yet to hear about their learning, I encourage you to contact them to make a time. Working in partnership creates strong outcomes for students’ learning and wellbeing.
Mrs Julie Hancock | Head of Junior School
